Performance Opportunities
Performances are a vital part of a performing arts education. We encourage all students to participate in performance opportunities with Gainesville Circus Center (GCC). There are several recurring and spontaneous opportunities to perform each year. It is, however, an immense responsibility. Please read carefully the obligations and terms of agreement.
OBS: Auditions are required all participants in any given performance opportunity unless otherwise noted. Students auditioning for solos must present a minimum of 2 minutes (maximum 4 minutes) of prepared choreography with music. It is not required to audition as a soloist in order to participate in a show, however, ALL soloists are required to participate in group acts.
2025 Performance Schedule
1. Feb 8, 2nd Street Circus Spectacular, 11am – 3pm
Audition: Saturday, Jan 25, 1:30pm Aerial & Ground Acts (at GCC)
Sunday, Jan 26, 10am Flying Trapeze (at Two Hawk Hammock)
Dress / Tech Rehearsal: Sunday, Feb 2, 10am Flying Trapeze / 1pm Aerial & Ground acts
Location: Gainesville Circus Center
5. May 16 & 17, Spring Afterschool Student Showcase: Celebrate Carnival
Performance is open to participants in the afterschool program and Students on monthly afterschool membership are exempt from performance fees for this event only. Rehearsals Wednesdays at 4pm January - May.
6. June 14, Adult Student Showcase
Audition: TBD
Rehearsals: TBD
Location: Gainesville Circus Center
7. September (TBD) - Brazil Fest
Audition: TBD
Rehearsals: TBD
Location: Heartwood Soundstage
8. September (TBD) CircusPalooza
Audition: TBD
Rehearsals: TBD
Location: Gainesville Circus Center
9. November (TBD), Gainesville Downtown Festival & Art Show, 10:30am, 12:30pm & 2:30pm
Audition: TBD
Rehearsals: TBD
Location: Downtown Gainesville
10. December 5 & 6, Afterschool Circus Showcase
Performance is open to participants in the afterschool program and Students on monthly afterschool membership are exempt from performance fees for this event only. Rehearsals Wednesdays at 4pm September 4 - December 4.
11. December 13, 2024, 12pm – 4pm- Two Hawk Holiday Circus
Audition: Excerpts from Downtown Arts + Equestrian & Flying Trapeze Acts
Rehearsals: TBD
Location: Two Hawk Hammock, Williston, FL
Participation Requirements:
Auditions, Rehearsals and Training
Some shows require in-person auditions, while others are via video submission. Be sure to read details of each performance event carefully regarding audition process. Video auditions should be uploaded to youtube, vimeo, google drive or drop-box and video links emailed to info@gainesvillecircus.com with appropriate subject line corresponding with event name.
Rehearsals are mandatory to participate in performances unless otherwise noted. Advance notice of absence may be negotiated with GCC, understanding that any performance participation may be reduced to a minor role. Unexcused absences will result in removal from the performance without a refund. Rehearsal tardiness may also result in removal from performances.
Students participating in performances/rehearsals must maintain a minimum of 1/week regular class training. Rehearsals are charged as regular classes – students who train once per week and wish to rehearse for a performance opportunity will need to purchase at a class package that accommodates all necessary training & rehearsal requirements.
Rehearsal schedule is subject to change. Dress rehearsal typically takes place the day before a performance, however, GCC reserves the right to call an additional tech rehearsal within the week prior to the performance. Performers are expected to make every best effort to attend and participate in any additional rehearsals as needed.
Performance Roles
Performance roles will be assigned based on each student’s technique, maturity, availability, and stage experience. Remember: every job is an important one. No performer is guaranteed a solo!
Participation in rehearsal is required for performance. Rehearsals are charged as classes. Additionally, there is a one-time $125 annual performance fee for participation in any / all of the performance opportunities. Alternatively, students can opt to pay $75 per-performance fee for participation in a single performance. Performance fees are required of all students and staff to cover the costs of event production.
Costumes will be provided by Gainesville Circus Center. Costumes must be returned to the GCC wardrobe closet immediately following performance. All performers are expected to supply their own tights, undergarments appropriate to dancewear, and makeup. Additionally, outdoor shows require the use of dance footware: black ballet or jazz shoes. GCC can order all of the above with sufficient notice. Students must submit a Performer Profile along with their Performance Contract.
Hair and Make-Up
It is the responsibility of each performer to arrive at their performance site with hair and make-up done, or, time permitting, do their hair & make-up onsite. Hair must be secured out of the face with gel/spray, rubber bands and/or pins unless otherwise instructed. Make-up is required for all genders. Make-up style should reflect traditional stage make-up (see below) unless otherwise indicated. Exotic and non-traditional make-up designs must be approved by GCC staff prior to performance. For assistance, please inquire prior to performance date.
“Better late than never” need not apply. Rehearsals will begin on time to the minute. There will be a 5-minute grace period for late arrivals. Any performer arriving late more than once may be subject to removal from the performance without a refund. Performances also will be held on time and performers must arrive a minimum of one hour prior to their performance time with hair and make-up done. Once the performance is complete, return all costumes to the wardrobe immediately. ALWAYS bring flip-flops or slip-ons to outdoor shows. NEVER eat in costume.
Set-Up & Break-Down
All adult performers are required to participate in set-up and/or break-down for each performance in which they participate. Set-up and break-down schedules will be determined within a week of each performance date.
Film & Photography
Gainesville Circus Center, Inc & Ascendance Entertainment, LLC often film and/or photograph performances for use as promotional material for future events. By participating in performances sponsored by Gainesville Circus Center, Inc and/or Ascendance Enterainment, LLC, student acknowledges full consent and release of film and/or photographs obtained during performances, which may include the student.
Performance Contract
Students must have a valid performance contract on file prior to participation in their first rehearsal or audition. If audition is via video submission, performer should submit contract with audition video. Download performance contract HERE.